Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Theo 202 testimony

I became a Christian when I was very young, I am not even sure of the exact age, perhaps 3 or 4 years old, but I knew I was scared to die. It was about the time of a war in the early nineties, perhaps the First Gulf War, because I remember being scared about hearing of soldiers dying. My dad took the opportunity to tell me about Jesus and His death on the cross for me, that I did not need to be scared of death, because by taking my sin upon Himself, when He died He made it possible for me to live eternally with Him in heaven. And that was the time that, with the faith of a child, I believed that Jesus is my savior, and sacrificed His life for my eternity. I have been very blessed to live in a Christian home all my life, my dad is a first generation Christian, but my mom was born into a Christian family. I continued going to church, and living day to day as Christian, I was not someone who always spoke out about my faith, but it was always there. I have had thousands of small events that God used to get my attention. God continues to work in my life, when I seem to have my plans figured out, He shows me that I am not going where He is calling me, and He calls me back to Himself. This is often painful for me at the time it happens, but God uses it in the end for His glory, which makes it worth it.